Name Rebecca Balebako
Expertise Privacy Engineering
Experience 25 Years
Resume academic cv

My Experience.

I help tech companies develop strategies to protect their data. See Previously, I did privacy and security research at the intersection of software engineering and public policy.

I was a software engineer at startups and universities for 10 years before doing privacy research.

PhD, Engineering and Public Policy

Carnegie Mellon University

Thesis: Identifying and Communicating the Risks of Smartphone Data Sharing

Masters in Software Engineering

Harvard University in Extension

Thesis: Using Distributed Computing to solve the 0-1 Knapsack Problem

Bachelors, cum laude

Mount Holyoke College

Double Major: Math and Asian Studies

Privacy Engineer 2023-Present

Consultant on privacy and security strategy.

Google Corporation

Privacy Engineer 2018-2023

Review and advise on privacy sensitive features related to Google accounts.

RAND Corporation

Information Scientist 2015-2018

Lead research on international privacy attitudes, requirements for secure communication networks, data retention policies, and technologies for the criminal justice community.

Carnegie Mellon University

Adjunct Professor 2015-2018

Developed and taught classes on Privacy Engineering

Tech Startups & Universities

Web Programmer and Software Engineer 1997-2007

I worked as a programmer at various startups and universities. I developed web applications in Java and perl.

Areas of Expertise.

What do users want when it comes to digital privacy? How do they make sense of privacy notices and privacy policies? Do privacy protections actually work? What are the real risks of privacy invastions? Do software engineers consider privacy when they develop smartphone apps? My interdisciplinary research has explored these questions in the following areas..

Digital Privacy

Software Engineering

User Experience

Red Teams for AI and privacy

Human Computer Interaction

Public Policy Analysis

Community Engagement.

My involvement in community projects and volunteering have pushed me to learn new skills and improve others. I describe a few projects below that required communication, teamwork, creativity, transparency, organization, and tenacity.